LOTP in Trouble with PETA

The living quarters in question

ENTROPIA (Peepers) - The people of Entropy House Productions have gotten into yet more trouble – this time with PETA. A spokespeep for Peeps for the Ethical Treatment of Actors said today that they were seeking a court order against the studio. “The living conditions are appalling,” he said. “It’s unbelievable.”

Central to the case is an accusation that actors in the current production “Lord of the Peeps: Fellowship of the Peep” are being stored in a cookie tin when not in filming. In a statement released by the studio, producers were unable to deny this. “But it is a roomy cookie-tin,” one spokesperson said, “with an attractive floral pattern on the lid.”

“A cookie-tin is still a cookie-tin!” an angry PETA-member said. “Peeps are candy, not cookies!”

Other members of the film community brushed the accusations aside. “It was all clearly laid out in the contract, I’m sure,” said one source. “Besides, the stars get posh apartments. It’s only extras in the tin.”